Public Relations / Outreach Committee

Public Relations Committee Mission

The mission of our Public Relations Committee is to support our members professional development by keeping them updated and connected through media on: educational opportunities, trainings, outreach, and conference schedules; developing creative ways in which to market and link AMI to the general public, as well as, maintaining a positive representation of AMI and the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music. Specifically, the PR committee will:

  • Coordinate with Executive Secretary on updating AMI website and AMI  Facebook arena with circle approved information.
  • Be an active presence on the AMI Group Facebook page to support, link, and facilitate growth and connection between AMI members. This also includes approving new member requests and referrals to public Facebook page if member requests are not currently in GIM training.
  • Making sure that AMI Facebook arena is upholding guidelines for posting via internet (see PR policy on privacy and posting guidelines- AMI site under FAQ).
  • Coordinating with PR committee on ways to link AMI- Bonny Method of GIM to the general public (i.e. attending conferences with Tri-fold display, handing out educational information, spotlighting members in newsletter, gaining information about new research on GIM and sharing, developing an AMI approved GIM video for youtube, etc.)

2019-2021 AMI Outreach/Public Relations Chair 

Amy Small, LPC, FAMI, AMI Outreach/Public Relations Chair

Committee Members:

Shannon Besaw Kahlifa, MS, MT-BC, FAMI 
Joule L'Adara, FAMI
Stephanie Bianchi, MT-BC, FAMI



  • 1158 N Columbus St, Arlington, VA USA
  • .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
  • sbealternate
  • Facebook Group

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