• Who We Are
  • FAQ
  • Registration Form (step 1)
  • Registration Payment (step 2)

Join AMI

You are invited to join the Association for Music and Imagery in order to enhance and grow your understanding of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music and its adaptations.

The AMI's mission is to promote ethical training and practice, support research and publication, guide professional development, facilitate networking for its members, and provide public education and outreach. Your membership fee supports this mission, and allows the AMI to offer and expand the benefits of membership in order to help you nurture your own engagement with Guided Imagery and Music.

As a member you will:

  • receive the latest Journal of the Association for Music and Imagery
  • receive the semi-annual newsletter, The Bonny Method Resources
  • enjoy access to the AMI Facebook page
  • enjoy exclusive access to Members Area resources on our website
  • benefit from discounted conference fees
  • be eligible for conference travel and other monetary grants
  • be eligible to serve on AMI committees and vote at AMI business meetings

Registration Form

  • *Select type of membership:

    Select training level:

    Email*: Password*: Confirm password*: First Name*: Last Name*: Address: City: State/Prov: Zip/Postal Code: Country:

    Your information will be published online and in print for other members. If you wish to opt-out of either of these listings, please check the opt-out box:

    DO NOT post online
    DO NOT print

    Fellows ONLY

    PLEASE NOTE: Registration must be submitted by January 31st in order to be included in the printed version of the annual Fellows Registry. Please provide the following information for the online and printed Fellows Directory, available to the public:

    Business Phone: Business Address: Business City: Business State: Business Country:
    Business Postal Zip Code: Business Website (include http://): Credential:

    By Submitting this form: I have read and understand the AMI Code for Ethical Conduct and Standards of Practice (2003). I am affirming that I shall adhere to the principles contained in it. I am committed to my ongoing professional growth in The Bonny Method and demonstrate this by voluntarily meeting the Continuing Education Guidelines (2009), completing 25 hours of continuing education every 5 years.

    If you would like to include a photograph of yourself in the online Fellows Directory please email a JPEG to: office@ami-bonnymethod.org"


    • 1158 N Columbus St, Arlington, VA USA
    • office@ami-bonnymethod.org
    • sbealternate
    • Facebook Group

    AMI News

    Contact Form

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