Journal of the AMI

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ISSN: 1098-8009 (print)

ISSN: 2836-5410 (electronic)

General information. The mission of the Journal of the Association for Music and Imagery is to promote knowledge and understanding of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music and its adaptations for those trained in the method and for related professionals. To this end, the Journal publishes original research that advances knowledge of theory, applications, and outcomes of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) and related methods. Articles may reflect any form of research, including but not limited to quantitative, qualitative, theoretical, philosophical, and case studies. The JAMI publishes annually. In some cases, the JAMI may have flexible periodicity in response to numbers of accepted manuscripts. There are no fees charged to authors for submitting or publishing manuscripts in the JAMI.

Submission. Manuscripts may be submitted at any time of the year. Manuscripts should be sent to the Editors as an email attachment in Word format. The address for submission is as follows:

Anonymization. Because this journal employs an anonymous review process, the name of the author(s) and any other identifying information should be included only on the title page of the article. The author's name, affiliation or other identifying information should not be used elsewhere in the manuscript, including text and headers.

Originality and integrity of content. Manuscripts should not have been previously published in any written format, including other journals or books. By submitting a manuscript, authors certify that neither the article submitted, nor a version of it, has been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. All manuscripts must use appropriate citations when referencing any sources. Plagiarism, including uncredited references to the author’s own previously published work, is not permitted by the Journal of the Association for Music and Imagery. Authors of manuscripts accepted for publication agree that exclusive rights to publish, reprint, and distribute the article have been assigned to the Association for Music and Imagery.

Authorship. It is expected that all authors have made significant contributions to the submitted work. In the case of multiple authors, the submitting author must affirm in a cover letter to the Editors that all authors have seen and approved the submitted manuscript. All authors of a given manuscript share responsibility for the content in the manuscript and are accountable for any violations to ethics or scholarly integrity. By submitting revisions, the corresponding author affirms that all authors have reviewed and approved the revised manuscript.

Submission and peer review process. The manuscript should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file with a separate cover letter. The Editors will acknowledge receipt of the manuscript. All submitted manuscripts undergo peer review process by experts in the field upon invitation by the journal Editors.

Peer reviewers provide recommendations for whether a manuscript is suitable for publication by the JAMI. Based upon these recommendations from peer review, the Editor will make a decision to 1) publish as is, 2) request minor revisions, 3) request more substantial revisions, or 4) do not publish. Final decisions regarding publication rest with the Editor of the JAMI. The Editor will notify the author of the results of the review, usually within 2-3 months after receipt. Accepted manuscripts will be copy-edited and authors are invited to review and approve proofs of the manuscript prior to publication.

The JAMI uses a masked peer review process. Manuscripts are anonymized during peer review, and the identities of the peer reviewers remain confidential throughout the review process.

Editorial style. The Journal of the Association for Music and Imagery follows the style guidelines of the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Authors are advised to consult this manual for style issues related to scholarly writing. Additional considerations include the following:

An Abstract of 100 to 150 words is required.

Figures must be referenced in text. Submit each figure on a separate page with its approximate placement indicated in the text. Photographs will be required in TIFF or JPG format prior to publication. Scans must be halftones of at least 300 dpi for inclusion in the journal.

The Reference List should include all and only those sources cited in the text. The APA Publication Manual outlines the specific reference format.

Copyright transfer. Upon notification of acceptance, authors will complete a form certifying ethical conduct and granting the Association for Music and Imagery the copyright and license to publish the manuscript.

Publisher details. The Journal of the Association for Music and Imagery is published by the Association for Music and Imagery (AMI). The AMI retains electronic backup of all published issues in order to preserve access to journal content. The JAMI is funded by AMI membership and by proceeds from the sale of JAMI volumes in print and digital formats.

Publication Ethics

Conflicts of interest. The authors must declare any conflicts of interest, including any relationships or circumstances that might create the appearance of a conflict of interest. Peer reviewers must declare to the Editors any conflicts of interest involved in reviewing any manuscript. When conflicts of interest are identified, the peer reviewers may themselves from the review. In cases in which peer reviewers suggest that authors add citations, these suggests must be based on improving the quality and integrity and not for the primary purpose of advancing the work of the peer reviewer or others.

Reproducibility and data sharing. Authors are encouraged to use best-practice reporting guidelines relevant to their research, such as PRISMA, CONSORT, or COREQ. Where relevant, manuscripts reporting clinical trials should list their registry status. The JAMI does not require data sharing; authors are encouraged to make their data sets available when appropriate. When authors elect to share data sets, authors may provide links to these data sets stored in an external database. These links will be included in the published article. The JAMI does not hold responsibility for publishing or maintaining these data sets.

Ethics review. Authors are expected to adhere to the ethical requirements mandated by the professional organization and country or countries in which the research took place. These processes should be specified by authors. When ethics approval was not obtained, authors should state this and provide the rationale for not seeking ethics approval either in the manuscript or cover letter. Ethics approval should be obtained for research involving human participants. Authors should describe the process of obtaining informed consent or assent from participants and should retain documentation of each participants’ informed consent/assent. The JAMI will refer potential violations to the author(s)’ professional organization(s).

Allegations of misconduct. In the event that a potential ethical violation is identified, the concerned party should contact the Editors of the JAMI by email at The JAMI adheres to a non-regulatory position. In cases that require referral to an ethics review committee, the Editors will refer the case to the author(s)’ professional organization(s).

Corrections. In the event that errors or ethical violations are identified, the JAMI may issue a correction or retraction. In such cases, the JAMI Editors hold responsibility for the final determination.


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