Journal of the AMI

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Journal of the AMI Articles

VOLUME 1, 1992


              Helen L. Bonny

Images of Emotion: The Role of Emotion in Guided Imagery & Music

            Frances Smith Goldberg

Music, Affect and Imagery: A Cross-cultural Exploration

            Karlyn Johnson Hanks

Dreams, Mandalas, and Music Imagery: Therapeutic Uses in a Case Study

            Carol Bush

Music: The Aesthetic Elixir

            Lisa Summer

Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) With a Dually Diagnosed Woman having Multiple Addictions

            Eugenia Pickett,

Letting the Sound Arise

            Sara Jane Stokes

Music as Co-therapist: Creative Resource for Change

            Ruth Skaggs

Perspectives On Growth with a Victim of Abuse: A Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) Case Study

            James E. Borling

Wounded Woman: The Use of Guided Imagery and Music in recovering From a Mastectomy

            Susan Elizabeth Hale

Tape Analysis: Creativity I

            Jo Dutcher


VOLUME 2, 1993


Body Listening: A New Way to Review the GIM Tapes

            Helen L. Bonny

The Healing Link: Guided Imagery and Music and the Body/Mind Connection

            Stephanie Merritt

GIM Applied to the  50 Minute Hour

            Diane Ritchey Vaux

Beginning the Healing of Incest Through Guided Imagery and Music: A Jungian Perspective

            Karen Tasney

Guided Imagery and Music: A Music Therapy Approach to Multiple Personality Disorder

            Eugenia Pickett

            Carolyn Sonnen

GIM During Pregnancy: Anticipation and Resolution

            Alison Short

Using Guided Imagery and Music to Clarify and Support Relationship Changes: A Case Study

            Kirstie Lewis

The Case of Therese:  Multidimensional Growth Through Guided Imagery and Music

            Cathy McKinney

Integrating Guided Imagery and Music with Verbal Psychotherapy: A Case Study

            Virginia Walker


VOLUME 3, 1994


Vietnam Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Findings from a Music and Imagery Project

            Roberta Blake

 The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music as Individual and Group Treatment in a Short-Term Acute Psychiatric Hospital

            Frances S. Goldberg

 Psychoanalysis and Guided Imagery and Music: A Comparison

            Bjorn Wrangsjo

 Accessing the Inner Family Through Guided Imagery and Music

            Joanne Weiss

 Guided Imagery and Music in Spiritual Retreat

            Florence Holligan

 Conversations: An Analysis of the Music Program

            Ruth Skaggs

 Learning Through Mistakes: Guided Imagery and Music with a Student in a Hypomanic Episode

            Ginger Clarkson

 Awareness of Body Sensations and Physical Movement as Part of the Guided Imagery and Music Experience

            Eugenia Pickett


VOLUME 4, 1995


The Many Dimensions of Transference

            Kenneth Bruscia

 Manifestations of Transference in Guided Imagery and Music

            Kenneth Bruscia

 Melding Musical and Psychological Processes: The Therapeutic Musical Space

            Lisa Summer

 The Hero’s Myth in GIM Therapy

             Marilyn Clark

 The Effects of Guided Imagery and Music on Depression and Beta-Endorphin Levels

            Cathy McKinney

            Michael Antoni

            Adarsh Kumar

            Mahendra Kumar

 Guided Imagery and Music as a Psychotherapeutic Method in Psychiatry

            Björn Wrangsjö

            Dag Körlin

 Guided Imagery and Music: A Technique for Healing Trauma

            Eugenia Pickett

 GIM and Collective Grief:  Facing the Shadow of the Holocaust

            Stephanie Merritt

            Cecilia Schulberg

  Adapting a Guided Imagery and Music Series for a Nonverbal Man with Autism

            Ginger Clarkson


VOLUME 5, 1996-1997


 Uncovering and Healing Hidden Wounds: Using GIM to Resolve Complicated and Disenfranchised Grief

            Barbara Smith

 Listening with Open Ears

            Donna Marie Beck

 Jungian Archetypes in GIM Therapy:  Approaching the Client’s Fairytale

            Alison Short

 Guided Imagery and Music in Head Trauma Rehabilitation

            Eugenia Pickett

 Guided Imagery and Music Group Experiences with Adolescent Girls in a High School Setting

            Mary Roy

 Literature Review: The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music

            Lisabeth Toomey

 Therapy for the Therapist

            Guylaine Vaillancourt


VOLUME 6, 1998-1999


Music, Jung and Making Meaning

            Susan Wesley

 The Paradise Program: A New Music Program for Guided Imagery and Music

            Joanna Booth

 GIM at the End of Life: Case Studies in Palliative Care

            Jennifer Marr

 The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music and Spiritual Development

            Marilyn Clark

 The Bonny Method of G.I.M.:  Matrix for Transpersonal Experience

            Kirstie Lewis

 Spiritual Insights of a G.I.M. Client with Autism

            Ginger Clarkson

 Heroic Journeys: Experiences of a Maori Group with the Bonny Method

            Millicent McIvor


VOLUME 7, 2000


A Scale for Assessing Responsiveness to Guided Imagery and Music

            Kenneth Bruscia

 The Validity and Reliability of the Guided Imagery and Music Responsiveness Scale

            Anthony Meadows

 The Effect of Classical Music on the Absorption and Control of Mental Imagery

            Debra Burns

 Transformational Processes in Guided Imagery and Music

            Leslie Bunt

 Metaphor and Narrative in Guided Imagery and Music

            Lars Ole Bonde

 Anima Manifestations of Men Using Guided Imagery and Music: A Case Study

            Darlene Brooks


VOLUME 8, 2001-2002


Awareness Meditation Practice: 

Applications to Guiding and Supervising GIM Sessions

            Ginger Clarkson

 The Influence of Selected Music and Inductions on Mental Imagery:

Implications for Practitioners of Guided Imagery and Music

            Jennie Band

            Shawn Quilter

            Gary Miller

 Kundalini and the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music

            Marie Carlsson

 The Efficacy of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

            Elizabeth Jacobi

            Gerald Eisenberg

 GIM Guide as Spiritual Director

            Donna Marie Beck


VOLUME 9, 2003-2004


Musical Choices: An Interview with Helen Lindquist Bonny

           Nicki S. Cohen

 Navigation Within Consciousness: Insights from Four Decades of Psychotherapy Research with Imagery, Music and Entheogens

         William A. Richards

The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM) with Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

         Nicole D. Hahna

         James E. Borling

"New Growth with Pleasant Pain" (Keats) Recovering from Sexual Abuse with the Use of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music and the Use of Poetry

         Liz Moffitt

         Allison Hall

Audio Divina: Introducing a Contemplative Practice for Contemporary Times

         Mary Terry Rankin

Guided Imagery and Music in Supervision: Applications of Guided Imagery and Music for Supervision and Professional Development

         Katarina Mårtenson-Blom



VOLUME 10, 2005-2006


Dying Well: The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music at the End of Life

         Louise Cadrin

 Enhancing Bonny Method Session with Subtle Energy 

         Ginger Clarkson

 Recapturing a Vision to Become Fully Human: The Bonny Method as a Servant Source in Discovering the Authentic Self

         Donna Marie Beck

 Music, Drawing, and Narrative: An Adaptation of Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music

         Joanna M. Booth

 Cultural Dimensions of Music and Imagery: Archetype and Ethnicity in GIM Practice

         Alison Short


VOLUME 11, 2007-2008


Facilitating Guided Imagery and Music:  What Therapists Intend, Experience and Do

        Elaine Abbott

Suffering and the Sublime:  A Case Study of Music, metaphor, and Meaning

        Kevin Kirkland

Individual Differences in Response to the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music

        Diana Scott

An Adaptation of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music for Public Schools

        Linda T. Powell

 Music Breathing:  Breath Grounding and Modulation of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM): Theory, Method, and Consecutive Cases

         Dag Körlin


VOLUME 12, 2009-2010


 Exploring the Rucksack of Sadness: Focused, Time-Limited Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music with a Female Executive

        Gro Trondalen

 Body Listening as a Method of Understanding a Music Program Used in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music

        Michael Viega

 Journey Beyond Abuse: Healing Through Music and Imagery             

        Maureen Hearns

 Am I a Shaman? Transformation of a Korean GIM Fellow’s and a Traditional Healer’s Consciousness Through Music

        Mi Hyun Bae

 Mandala Analysis in a Clinical Case Study                                            

        Ginger Clarkson

 Holotropic Breathwork and the Bonny Method: The Co-Evolution of Two Transpersonal Therapeutic Modalities

        Mark B. Ryan


VOLUME 13, 2011-2012


Separation and Mourning: A GIM Case Study

        Esperanza Torres Serna

Integration Process in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music

        Gabriella Giordanella Perilli

The Bonny Method and Shamanic Journeying: Pathways to Living with Higher Consciousness

        Barbara H. Davis

Dreamwork in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music: GIM as a Dreamwork Vessel

        Yoana-Magdalena Ilcheva

Group Guided Imagery and Music Therapy for Inpatients with Substance Abuse Disorder

        Torben Moe

Music Mirroring the Sounds of the Soul: A Listening Source for Self-Appraisal

        Donna Marie Beck


VOLUME 14, 2014


A New Synthesis Model of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music

            Marilyn F. Clark

Seeking the Inner Father: Integrating Grief Through GIM

            Ginger Clarkson

Breaking Free: Healing Physical, Verbal, and Sexual Abuse Through the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music

            Amy Clements-Cortes

The Depiction of a Hero’s Journey in Bonny Method of GIM Sessions

            Atsuko NadataThe Music of Paradox: Harmonizing Shadow and Light

            Sierra Stokes-Stearns

The Integration of the Bonny Method of GIM and Client-Centered Verbal Psychotherapy in Treating a Substance Use Disorder 

            Ruta Yawney


VOLUME 15, 2016


Using Music and Imagery to Explore Bullying Behavior in Elementary School Children

            Jennie P. Band

Development of the Responsiveness to Guided Imagery and Music Scale

            Laurel Young

Group Guided Imagery and Music for Adults in Addiction Treatment:  A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Feasibly Study

            Kathleen M. Murphy

            Douglas M. Ziedonis

Guided Imagery and Music for Music Performance Dysfunction: A Case Study Through the Mandala

            Micaela Nathan

Perspectives on the Real, the Imaginary, and the Music in GIM

            Martin Lawes


VOLUME 16, 2018


Cosmic Travel in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music: Conscious Evolution for Our World

            Barbe Creagh

            Louise Dimiceli-Mitran

An Introduction to the GIM Music Program Guilt

            Isabelle Frohne-Hagemann

Re-Experiencing the Past Through the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music

            Nan Bok Lee

The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music for Medical Populations: Evidence and Vision for the Future

            Cathy H. McKinney                                                                          

                 Denise Grocke


VOLUME 17, 2020


Music, Imagery, and Fibromyalgia: Client’s Experience of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music

            Erin I. Fox                                                                                        

Finding Movement After a Stroke: A Case Study

            Katurah Christenbury                                                                       

 Focused Music Imagery (FMI): Pathway Through the Psyche: Supportive and Re-educative Case Examples

            Louise Dimiceli-Mitran

GIM During Active Treatment for Cancer: Considerations for Clinical Practice

            Evangelia Papanikolaou                                                                  

Therapists’ Processes of Selecting Music for Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music Sessions

             Elaine A. Abbott

 Exploration of the Depth of GIM With Medical Patients

            Nami Yoshihara


VOLUME 18, 2021


The Bonny Method for Children: Adapting the Method, Selecting the Music

      Mary Reher

LGBTQ-Affirming GIM Practice                     

            Alexander E. Swanson

The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) in the Treatment of Depression

A Multi-Site Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study

            Timothy J. Honig

            Cathy H. McKinney

            Niels Hannibal

Altered States of Description: Bonny’s Approaches to the Cut Log Diagram, 1973-1978

            Stephen Lett

Music in Psychedelic Research: The Continuing Legacy of Helen Bonny

            William A. Richards


VOLUME 19, 2022


Introducing Acceptance and Commitment Therapy into the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music

      Hannah H. Lingafelt

Somatic and Kinesthetic Imagery in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music: A Qualitative Study

            Karen Caldwell

GIM Advanced Training Supervision as Personal Growth and Development Process: A Heuristic Self-Inquiry

            Ben Nicholson

A Music Therapist’s Grief Process Through the Bonny Method of GIM During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study

            Sara V. Breyfogle

Mythology in Guided Imagery and Music (GIM): Practitioners’ Views on the Use of Myth in GIM

            Marianna Katopi


VOLUME 20, 2023


The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music for Individuals who Use Wheelchairs: Three Case Studies

            Gurpreet Kaur Kalsi

Facing Death Through Music: Palliative Patients’ Experience of Guided Imagery and Music

            Sheila M. Killoran

Using Music Breathing to Improve Emotion Regulation in for Patients in an Inpatient Eating   Disorders Unit: A Mixed Method Pilot Study

            Joyu Lee

The Mythical Swan: Symbol, Legend, and Image

            Denise Grocke

The Therapeutic Potential of Guided Imagery and Music for Parents Within a Pediatric Palliative Care Setting

            Timothy D. Doak

            Tim Honig

“Take the Music Where You Are Ready to Go”: Single Session Adapted Focused Music and Imagery in Adult Acute Psychiatry

            Lisa Jackert



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