AMI Payment
Please click the appropriate payment category below to complete the registration process.
Once payment is complete you will be directed back to the website where you will receive a confirmation that the registration process is complete.
Fellow: I have successfully completed all three levels of an AMI- endorsed training program in GIM.Associate: I am enrolled in / have completed a Level I, II, or III training.
Retired: I am no longer actively practicing but would still like to be involved with AMI.
Student: I am currently enrolled in school but not in an AMI- endorsed GIM training.
Supporter: I would like to support the work of AMI
Please click the appropriate payment category below to complete your Primary Trainer and/or Training Program (application/reendorsement) transactions. Once payment is complete you will receive a confirmation that the process is complete.
Associate/Primary Trainer/Training Program Application Fee or Training Program Reendorsement Fee $90.
Application Fee for a NEW (Classic, Flexible or Hybrid) Training Programs. $150
Training Program Yearly Reendorsement Fee.