The Therapeutic Potential of Guided Imagery and Music for Parents Within a Pediatric Palliative Care

Timothy D. Doak & Tim Honig - Volume: 20

Parents caring for a child with a chronic life-limiting illness experience a wide range of therapeutic needs. This manuscript investigates the potential of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) as a multidimensional therapeutic approach for parents with children in pediatric palliative care. Drawing upon Goldberg's (2004) holographic field theory model, Clark's (2014) synthesis model of GIM, and Bonde's (2000) three levels of metaphor, this paper explores the multifaceted and multilayered nature of GIM grounded in the author’s clinical practice and includes a composite case description of parents within a pediatric palliative care program. GIM’s capacity to hold and facilitate expression of complex emotions on multiple levels of consciousness before and during bereavement can connect parents with their inner wisdom during this challenging time.

Keywords: Pediatric palliative care, Guided Imagery and Music, anticipatory grief, bereavement, grief, caregiver

Doak, T. D., & Honig, T. (2023). The therapeutic potential of Guided Imagery and Music for parents within a pediatric palliative care setting. Journal of the Association for Music and Imagery, 20, 91–106.