The Integration of the Bonny Method of GIM and Client-Centered Verbal Psychotherapy
Yawney, Ruta - Volume: 14
This case study integrates the use of client-centered verbal psychotherapy with The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) with a 48-year-old male client with alcohol use disorder across nine sessions. The pairing of these two approaches empowered him towards being an active participant in his own healing and assisted him in experiencing his life from a new perspective. The imagery from his GIM sessions was used as a vehicle for discussion and self-expression, putting him in touch with his innate sense of spirituality so that he could begin to relate to himself and to others with compassion and acceptance, which is an essential part of the healing journey in recovery. In addition, he began the process towards resolution of issues from his childhood of loss and trauma. The paper concludes with a recommendation that GIM and client-centered verbal therapy be integrated into the multidisciplinary approach in the field of addiction recovery.
Keywords: Music, imagination, substance use disorder, Bonny Method of GIM