Dreamwork in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music: GIM as a Dreamwork Vessel
Ilcheva, Yoana-Magdalena - Volume: 13
The article explores dreamwork done in the context of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM). It opens with an outline of the phenomenon of dreams, the psychological function of dreaming, and existing approaches to working with dreams with a special reference to C. G. Jung’s ideas. The text then focuses on dreamwork within GIM by reviewing the existing GIM literature on this topic. The author continues with a working list of considerations about the dream material presented in GIM sessions, which can inform the therapist’s choice of the appropriate approach to dreamwork: verbal, imagery (including GIM), or closure/containment of the dream material. The paper closes with a list of dreamwork techniques that can be applied within, as well as between, the GIM sessions.