A New Synthesis Model of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music
Clark, Marilyn F. - Volume: 14
This article examines and expands Helen Bonny’s Cut Log Diagrams of states of consciousness with consideration given to Bush and Goldberg diagrams of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) that evolved from Bonny’s Cut Log diagrams. The new model presented in this article clarifies certain aspects of previous models as well as represents ever-evolving understandings of the complex workings of GIM. Specific attention is given to the ego-Self relationship in the GIM process, states of consciousness and the paradox of inward expansion, interrelated effects of music-guide-traveler, and the process of GIM.
Keywords: Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music, GIM, States of Consciousness, Self, Ego