The Hong Kong GIM Training
Wai Man NG, PhD, FAMI, Registered Music Therapist (UK)
Wai Man NG, PhD, FAMI, Registered Music Therapist (UK)
Ka Yan Li, FAMI
The Hong Kong GIM Training program includes two parts (A) Introductory GIM Training (IGIMT) and (B) Professional GIM Training (PGIMT). The IGIMT is a 30-hour (4-day) face-to-face training which provides both experiential and didactic presentations in order to introduce trainees to the BMGIM. The PGIMT is a 160-hour (21.5-day) face-to-face training which develops trainees’ expertise in practicing BMGIM and leads to the status of professional GIM therapist. The PGIMT seminars are held every 4 months (3 times annually throughout 2-2.5 years).
The Hong Kong GIM Training program emphasizes the holistic nature of the therapeutic process in BMGIM. A number of different theoretical perspectives (such as humanistic psychology, positive psychology, and transpersonal theory) are integrated to embrace the richness and complexity of the work. The philosophy of the Hong Kong GIM Training is founded on the belief in:
A. music is a connection between our mind, body and spirit;
B. music can help us release inner emotions;
C. the imagination stimulated by music provides us with a window to understand our inner self;
D. the power of music and imagery to facilitate our growth and personal development;
E. the self-actualizing potential of every human being;
F. a need for a cultural synergy between trainees and their clients, as well as the music, imagery, symbolism and metaphor, to achieve therapeutic processes and goals.
PGIMT training will adopt some Chinese reference books and articles on relevant topics such as archetypes and symbolism. All teaching sessions will be mainly conducted in Chinese (Cantonese or Mandarin) and Yin-Yang theory will be taught for analyzing music and interpreting imagery and mandala. Furthermore, the AMI-endorsed Trainer, the adjunct staff, the supervisors and the personal therapists will all be native speakers of Cantonese or Mandarin.
Hopefully, the GIM therapists who graduate from the Hong Kong GIM Training program will significantly contribute to the well-being of people in society who are coping with many health issues and life situations in Hong Kong and different Chinese areas.