Training Institutes

Institut für Musikgeleitete Psychotherapie

Location:Allacher Str. 279a 80999 , München Germany 
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Christina Achter, FAMI, Director


In consideration of the current situation, Level 1 will be changed. The didactic and theoretical part, which lasts about 20 hours, is conveyed via Zoom.

The practical content of Level 1 will only focus on GIM / M & I in groups
Part 2 of this training is planned as follows: a first group session should take place via Zoom, the focus here will be the pre-and postsession. A 2nd and 3rd self-experience in the group should be attempted with personal presence  (observing the safety measures).
I will be supported by two experienced GIM fellows: Gracia Grewe and Marlen Kleeberg(Wadepuhl), both of whom have completed their training and are members of the AMI.
The training will start April 20th and  take about 37 hours
It is not yet clear in what form Level 2 can take place. If the situation permits, Level 2 with face-to-face presence could take place in July 2021.


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