Directory of GIM Practitioners

Pat Moffitt Cook

Credential:MM, PhD, FAMI
Training Level:F
Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Phone:  (206) 618-0024
Address:  3112 Vista Sandia
Location:  Sante Fe New Mexico USA 87506
Founder and Director of the Open Ear Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Facilitates international advanced educational programs in Cross-cultural sound and musical healing methods. Tomatis Method and LiFT (Listening Fitness Training) for individuals with learning and listening difficulties. Provides year long programs in "Spiritual Health Through Sound Institutes" in cross-cultural sacred music, chant and mantra. Certified from two traditional institutes in Vedic Chant from (KYM) Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandirim and (Khyf) Krishnamacharya Healing Yoga Foundation in South India. Pat teaches Vedic Chant and Vedic Healing Chant programs and workshops internationally. Leads international programs to India, Tibet, Mongolia and other parts of Asia.


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