Dag Arne Korlin
I am 77 years of age, and live in Stockholm , Sweden with my wife. Fellow and Primary trainer of BMGIM and its adaptations, Originator of the Music Breathing Method. MD, PhD, Specialist in General Psychiatry, and Psychodynamic Psychotherapist, both licensed by the Swedish National Board of Health. GIM practice and training in Stockholm. Have lead level I-III trainings in Greece and England in cooperation with Evi Papanikolaou. Extensive lecturing and publishing on Music Breathing, GIM and related subjects within: neuropsychology; developmental psychology; psychiatry, especially stress related disorders; archetypal and transpersonal psychology, especially Spiritual Emergencies. Among the publications are two chapters in the "Bonny Method and Beyond II, "A Neuropsychological Theory of GIM" and "Music Breathing". Currently delivering training in GIM and Music Breathing via the IMAGEing training institute. For a info and complete literature list, contact Dag by email dag.korlin@gmail.com.