Alison Short
Credential:PhD, RMT, MT-BC, RGIMT, FAMI
Training Level:F-T
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Address: Dr Alison Short, Room C.G.31, Kingswood Campus, Western Sydney University, Locked Bag 1797
Location: Penrith NSW Australia 2751
Dr Alison Short, PhD, FAMI, RGIMT, RMT, MT-BC, is an internationally accredited music therapist and GIM practitioner, and an experienced music therapy academic at Western Sydney University, Australia. She was the first AMI-approved trainer in the Southern Hemisphere. Alison has over 70 publications across many discipline areas, and writes and lectures extensively. Find Alison's research: https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=pDtVBzMAAAAJ&hl=en; https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alison_Short2/contributions