Training Institutes

Mind and Music

Location:Oxford Have 73, Copenhagen S Denmark 
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​Lars Ole Bonde


Lars Ole Bonde​

Bolette Daniels Beck


Mind and Music offers GIM Level I and II training in Denmark and Europe.

Level I is offered to music therapy students at Aalborg University as part of their training. After Lars Ole Bonde retired, primary trainer Bolette Daniels Beck is in charge, assisted by associate professor and advanced GIM trainee Charlotte Lindvang. The AAU courses are not open to other students.

Level II is offered by Lars Ole Bonde, Ellen Thomasen and Bolette Beck in Scandinavia by special appointments and only to qualified music therapists with min 2 years of clinical experience.

Mind and Music - with the three primary trainers mentioned - is affilated with Margareta Wärja's Expressive Arts Institute in Stockholm in offering a joint Scandinavian GIM Training to Danish, Norwegian and Swedish music therapists. This training group is running and closed.


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