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Level I Bonny Method of GIM - All seats are filled

Location: Wildacres Retreat, Little Switzerland, NC
Teachers:Cathy McKinney,, PhD, MT-BC and Katurah Christenbury, MMT, MT-BC
Training Level:I
Date:May 12–16, 2025
Organization: Appalachian GIM Training Institute
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The Appalachian training program in The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music is affiliated with the music therapy program of the Hayes School of Music at Appalachian State University.  The philosophy of The Bonny Method of GIM training at Appalachian is founded on beliefs in

  • the self-actualizing potential of every human being,
  • the wisdom of the Psyche to lead one toward growth,
  • the power of music to facilitate such growth, and
  • the capacity of the human imagination to provide a door into the Self, thereby serving as a conduit for growth-inducing experience. 

Through intensive seminars and supervised application in distance learning format, the three-level training includes experiential and didactic components that facilitate both personal  development and knowledge and skill acquisition.  While the focus of the training is the one-to-one Bonny Method, trainees will acquire skills for applying music and imagery methods for a variety of purposes and in varied clinical settings.

Trainers: Cathy McKinney, PhD, MT-BC; Madelaine Ventre, MS, MT-BC; Heather Wagner, PhD, MT-BC

Assistant Trainers: Tim Honig, PhD, MT-BC, Katurah Christenbury, MMT, MT-BC

Supervisors and Therapists: Karen Caldwell, PhD; Katurah Christenbury, MMT, MT-BC; Jennie Band, PhD, LCMHC/S, MT-BC; Georgene Fayssoux, MT-BC; Tim Honig, PhD, MT-BC; Hannah Lingafelt, MMT, MA, LCMHC, MT-BC; Joyu Lee, MM, MT-BC; Heather Wagner, PhD, MT-BC

All Training staff are Fellows of the Association for Music and Imagery, somethimes abbreviated FAMI.


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